Virtual Class Option
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Duration: 4 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
No one works with a “generation.” Everyone works with people: unique individuals. One of the many factors that contribute to individual uniqueness is the generation into which a person is born.
This highly interactive program examines differing generational perspectives, including the seminal events that shaped members of each generation. Participants explore how those perspectives and events may influence behavior at work.
Participants practice communication skills, including empathetic listening, to improve understanding and effectiveness with everyone at work.
Learning Objectives: At the completion of this program participants will be able to:
Learning methodologies may include:
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Duration: 4 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
Venue: Client Location
Duration: 4-6 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 24