Virtual Class Option
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Duration: 4 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
Leaders want their employees to come to work every day and do their optimal best. For this reason, leaders try to give employees motivation. Unfortunately, leaders can’t give employees motivation because all motivation is self-motivation. Leaders, however, can help employees discover what motivates them and then work cooperatively with the employee to identify motivational opportunities.
Participants will learn the difference between motivation and engagement. Hint: Motivation is good, but engagement is better! They will understand what motivates and engages employee and be able to hold engagement conversations with employees.
Learning Objectives: At the completion of this program participants will be able to:
Learning methodologies may include:
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Duration: 4 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
Venue: Client Location
Duration: 4-6 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 24