Virtual Class Option
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Duration: 4 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
Organizational change can have a positive or negative impact employees. Even with management doing their best job of planning and executing the change, there will inevitably be some road bumps that make it seem like the change is a bad idea. In the end, every employee must make change work for themself.
Participants will examine their own reactions to change. They will learn the four phases of change and how to assess which phase they are in at a given point in time. Finally, participants learn skills to help them succeed and thrive during times of change.
At the completion of this program participants will be able to:
Learning methodologies may include:
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Duration: 4 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
Venue: Client Location
Duration: 4-6 hours (includes breaks)
Pre-requisite: None
Maximum Number of Participants: 24